Why to Visit Valley of Gods – Kullu Valley

by - Friday, November 24, 2017

Introduction to Kullu Valley

Kullu valley is a broad open valley formed by the Beas River between Mandi and Larji. This valley is famous for the beauty and its majestic hills covered with pine and Deodar forests and sprawling apple orchards. The course of the Beas river presents a succession of magnificent scenery, including cataracts, gorges, precipitous cliffs and mountains, clad with forests of Deodar, towering above trees of Pine on the lower rocky ridges.Kullu valley is sandwiched and great Himalayan ranges. It is believed that this valley was once a vast lake. This valley is 75 km. in length and about two to four kms in width and ends near famous Rohtang pass, 25 km. North of Manali.

valley of god kullu

The town of Mandi, kullu, Bhuntar, Manali and Shamshi lie in this valley. The climate of Kullu valley is healthy and delightful and has little snowfall in comparison to the Lahaul and high Shimla ranges. The people of Kullu valley are very skilful. They have a naturally joyous temperament particularly during fairs and festivals. 

Famous attractions of this valley

1.     Naggar   

Naggar is situated on the left bank of the Beas. It is 25 km from Kullu at altitude 1760 meters. It was capital for kullu Rajas in ancient time for 1400 years. There are large number of famous temples notably; Vishnu, Tripura Sundari and Lord Krishna. Naggar castle and Roerich Art gallery is main attraction of nagger.

2.     Naggar Castle

Naggar Castle is magnificent historical building..Naggar Castle was built by Raja Sidh Singh of kullu valley around 1460 A.D. It is situated in Naggar town near Manali. It is made up of stone and wood, it is perfect blend of European and Himalayan architecture.  Recently it is converted into heritage hotel, run by Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation.

3.     Nehru Kund

A natural spring of clean cold water named after the late Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru, who used to drink water from this spring during his stay in Manali. It is located, on the Manali-Keylong road. This spring is believed to be coming from ‘Bhrigu Lake’.

4.     Roerich Art Gallery

Roerich Art gallery is situated in the Nagagr town. If you are art lover than you love this place. Here you can see old monuments and paintings by Nicholas Roerich. This art gallery was named after Russian painter, explorer and art lover Nicholas Roerich who resides in nagger. His love for Himalayas inspired him to paint thousands of paintings of Himalayas.

Roerich gallery Manali

5.     Hidimba temple

Build in 1553 A.D. also known as ‘Doongri Temple’ dedicated to the Goddess Hidimba (Hirma Devi), the wife of Bhima, has a four tiered pagoda shaped roof with a doorway carved with figures and symbols. Although carving is simple yet beautiful. This temple was built by Raja Bahadur Singh of Kullu. On his order both hands of the Chief Workman were chopped, so that he should not built another temple of equal charm and style.

Hadimba devi kullu

6.     Hot springs

There are many hot springs in kullu valley some of them are Vashisht, Manikaran. Vashisht is 3 km from Manali . it is famous for hot water springs and temples of Vashisht Rishi and Lord Rama. It is located on the bank of Beas, but well above the river.

Hot spring bath Kullu

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